Family and Friends' Pages

Places to Go

David L'Hoste's inter alia  This is a great site with many useful links that David has been working with for quite awhile. The pictures, poetry and art is a little bit of culture on an otherwise techno geek web world.

Randy's Homepage by David   Site maintained and "updated" by David. Plenty of race walking and snake/reptile sites with some Quake links sprinkled in for good measure. Plus a goofy pic of Randy as a tike.

Julia's Site once again by David  GREAT site for children and adults alike!!!!!!!!!

Perry Trotter's TigerMan Saints' Fan Page  Perry's view of the Tigers and an excellent source for LSU info. Perry's has more stuff mixed in for fun. Pay this up and coming site a visit and look around!

Talen's Home Page   Doug's got a pic page of his own. Good to see you...even if it is virtually!

Dr. Bourgeois's Home Page   The Doctor is IN!